Blue and Clear Skies - Harbinger of Good Times Ahead
Yesterday was beautiful. Clear and blue skies for a quite a long while. And today is even more beautiful. Rays of love shine through my windows bright and dancing. Feels real good.
I love the sun esp. in the early morning. No shades just let my eyes feast on the bright(ened) colours of every objects along my path. My eyes and body seems to draw strength from the rays. Yes there's the UV but who cares, in exchange for some moments and I hope 'season' of weather that can make me very happy. I am sure the flora and fauna are enjoying it with me!Klang Valley dwellers have been so deprived of clear blue skies for long stretches that we do not know what is it like. This is due of the perennial periodic haze caused by slash and burn farmers in the region's dry season from May to September. Then of course there is the pollution. And lately since the big flood in Johor in December 2006 it has been raining year round the last 2 years. Rain means gloomy dark clouds.
I feel happy when clear blue skies is present.
Today the sky is beautiful.
Therefore I feel sunny and happy.
Go out there and enjoy the sun and the sky.