Lard Rice and Soya Sauce Pork Cube - Homecooking

The latest studies are clear on the value of animal fat. In tines past, we just skimmed it off and threw it away. Today it is a valuable commodity. I cooked some Soya Sauce Pork Cube yesterday and have a bowl leftover (Pic 4), meat, sauce, fat and all. On how to cook Soya Sauce Pork get to this post.

So I scooped out the lard and some sauce and placed it inside the rice pot (Pic 3) to cook with a cup of rice in a pressure cooker. The results after 20+minutes. I got a small pot of cooked rice (Pic 2), firm, fragrant, smooth and tasty, just as I like it.

Heated up the leftover Soya Sauce Pork Cube and I am ready to dig in (Pic 4).

Tip: overnight soya sauce pork always taste better.


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