TGIF 1 Utama - Friday 13th Feb 2009

Love is in the air. It's Friday. Nice to tuck ourselves in the cozy warmth of good ole TGIF in 1 Utama. Its my wife's day but my son get to choose the restaurant. So much for rude subjects, this little emperor would brood no insolence. But it was a good and safe choice.

Why not at the TGIF in the Curve? Not entirely sure but this place fit our profile. Maybe the food there is saltier. Or we have eaten more times here than at the Curve and feel more relax.

Many happy returns and blessed birthday my dear!

Onion soup. Family favourite esp. the very thick mozzarella canopy over the bowl keeping the heat in.
Jack Daniel's Rib. Big and thick bones means more meat. Compare the fries with bones! JD is too sweet for me this time. Not as tender as it should. If one is indentured to dentures this is not for them.Jack Daniel's Steak. The broccoli was pathetic. Instead of brilliant green it came cowardly yellow. The steak came in the quality as expected of TGIF.My son went Tex-Mex - Sizzling Beef Fajita on a bed of onions and overdone capsicums thankfully not the meat!Fajita - Tortilla as a wrap for the steak, salsa and sour cream.Healthy Guacamole (using avocado) salsa, regular salsa, lettuce, sour cream and shredded cheese.


boo_licious said…
Happy Birthday to your wife. Too bad the JD ribs weren't tender. Thxs for the tip on the onion soup, it looks like good stuff.
minchow said…
Ugh! I can't possibly trust an outlet who serve broccoli that shade of vomit. Even if the guacamole looks palatable. Best birthday wishes to your wife!
Food Paradise said…
OMG.... the foods presentation looks bad. Anyway best wishes to your wife and happy valentine's to both of you.
worldwindows said…
BL... Thank you on my wife behalf.

550mljof... Thank you for the wishes.

FP... Thanks for the wishes.

As for the food I hope TGIF will not rest on their goodwill earned through hardwork in times past.

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