Klang Dry Bak Kut Teh and Hoppy Duck - Aman Puri, Kepong

So I went for a food trawl, alone. I am not going for a binge, just some plain good ole fun time with two meals one after another. Just needed some good food for my soul. It's not chicken soup, but something better - Bak Kut Teh and Hoppy Herbal Duck!
Now I am fine and ready to work despite at Hoppy Duck there were playing some sad and bluesy Cantonese R & B that can rival Linda Ronstadt's Blue Bayou.
I was at Bak Kut Teh Klang Yip Yong and Hoppy Duck Kepong. Yip Yong is door away from Hoppy. Any closer would be too embarrassing for me to do my food trawl.
Hoppy is at 3-51, Jalan Desa 2/1, Desa Aman Puri. Tel: 0362802378.
Let's drink the pressure away!

N.B. Hoppy Duck had since closed and premise taken over by Hong Kee Dim Sum (updated Dec '09).

LfB... If I can get it off the wok would be nice. Most BKT yau char kwai is limp.
FP...And just 10 mins from my home.
MD... Looks like I hit jackpot. My first here. would not be the last.