Explore Your Memory
Fancy taking a fun challenge and in the process explore the profound topic on how our memory works. This survey is designed by experimental psychologists from the University of Edinburgh and will be used in their research. Going through the survey takes 20 minutes of focused work. It is very challenging but the bonus is an analysis on the state of your memory based on your answers.
Its pretty good. It will appeal to the Mensa (I. Q.) type. Take the survey now!
This is my result from this fun, 10-part memory challenge. My comments in blue.
1. Visual memory - to spot subtle changes in everyday scenes – 0 out of 3 correct. Disaster!
Are you the observant type? If you’re not a burglar or an estate agent, visual recognition memory still comes in very handy. For example, you can use your visual memory to remember where you just left your car keys, where you parked your car, or to remember the way out of an unfamiliar building.
I get lost in the Mall, the same Mall even after being there many times!
2. Memory binding – 2 correct. Average.
Memory binding relates to your ability to tie things together in your working memory and update them when they change. You need this skill for everyday activities like driving a car.
I love the remote controls!
3. Digit span – The largest sequence of numbers I could remember had 9 digits. Tops!
This type of memory helps us to remember a telephone number long enough to dial it. It also seems to be important for remembering a new word that we have never heard before, for example, in a foreign language.
I love NUMB3RS!
4. Visual memory capacity – My working memory (sometimes called short-term memory) could store a pattern with 16 squares. Above average.
Lots of everyday activities require a good visual working memory. Artists, designers and architects would particularly benefit if they had a good visual memory capacity.
Looks like I need to RAMp up my working memory!
5. Everyday objects – Remembering details about a few common objects. I had trouble remembering them. So So, 1 right and the other wrong!
Just because we see an object frequently it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll remember it accurately. Normally we only have to remember enough information to be able to identify it.
Ladies will do well! They mastered the details and fine print while the men are the headliners.
6. Visual delayed recall – This section tested my long-term memory. I didn't have trouble spotting changes in an everyday scene. A+!
We are remarkably bad at remembering details from scenes that seem unimportant at the time.
It is crucial to be able to relate the past with the present and then projects the amalgamated whole into the future for our benefit.
7. Working memory capacity – This part tested my working memory storage capacity. I could remember the final words of 6 sentences at once. Ace it!
I had to think and remember at the same time.
Multitasking. Processing and storing at the same time. This is hard work.
8. Spatial manipulation – This section tests spatial working memory. I answered 4 questions correctly out of 4 in 30 seconds. A pat on my back!
This type of memory is useful in many sports, when packing a car with boxes, imagining what your room would look like with the furniture rearranged, or planning a route using a map. Previous studies using tests similar to this one have found that men are statistically better at this type of activity than women.
Mindgames and mental gymnastics. I love it.
Its pretty good. It will appeal to the Mensa (I. Q.) type. Take the survey now!
This is my result from this fun, 10-part memory challenge. My comments in blue.
1. Visual memory - to spot subtle changes in everyday scenes – 0 out of 3 correct. Disaster!
Are you the observant type? If you’re not a burglar or an estate agent, visual recognition memory still comes in very handy. For example, you can use your visual memory to remember where you just left your car keys, where you parked your car, or to remember the way out of an unfamiliar building.
I get lost in the Mall, the same Mall even after being there many times!
2. Memory binding – 2 correct. Average.
Memory binding relates to your ability to tie things together in your working memory and update them when they change. You need this skill for everyday activities like driving a car.
I love the remote controls!
3. Digit span – The largest sequence of numbers I could remember had 9 digits. Tops!
This type of memory helps us to remember a telephone number long enough to dial it. It also seems to be important for remembering a new word that we have never heard before, for example, in a foreign language.
I love NUMB3RS!
4. Visual memory capacity – My working memory (sometimes called short-term memory) could store a pattern with 16 squares. Above average.
Lots of everyday activities require a good visual working memory. Artists, designers and architects would particularly benefit if they had a good visual memory capacity.
Looks like I need to RAMp up my working memory!
5. Everyday objects – Remembering details about a few common objects. I had trouble remembering them. So So, 1 right and the other wrong!
Just because we see an object frequently it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll remember it accurately. Normally we only have to remember enough information to be able to identify it.
Ladies will do well! They mastered the details and fine print while the men are the headliners.
6. Visual delayed recall – This section tested my long-term memory. I didn't have trouble spotting changes in an everyday scene. A+!
We are remarkably bad at remembering details from scenes that seem unimportant at the time.
It is crucial to be able to relate the past with the present and then projects the amalgamated whole into the future for our benefit.
7. Working memory capacity – This part tested my working memory storage capacity. I could remember the final words of 6 sentences at once. Ace it!
I had to think and remember at the same time.
Multitasking. Processing and storing at the same time. This is hard work.
8. Spatial manipulation – This section tests spatial working memory. I answered 4 questions correctly out of 4 in 30 seconds. A pat on my back!
This type of memory is useful in many sports, when packing a car with boxes, imagining what your room would look like with the furniture rearranged, or planning a route using a map. Previous studies using tests similar to this one have found that men are statistically better at this type of activity than women.
Mindgames and mental gymnastics. I love it.