Moving House
My present house is as old as my son who is 14. Parenthood force us into a new adventure i.e. the commitment to buy a house. As we outgrew the house, we tried to move a couple of times to bigger house but do not has the will power. It was also not practical. Schooling. Neighbours front, rear, left and right are present 24 hours a day. It is like having a security blanket. I am very happy with this arrangement as I traveled a lot until this year.
It's not the footage and the prestige of a hallowed address that give status and and value. It is actually the neighbourhood. The German has a saying, "Good neighbours double the value of a house." Sure enough, we were reluctant to move. But finally all good things must come to an end. My son is more independent.
I come to a stage where I needed more space and comfort i.e. the "soft music, low lights" phase. Where the environment within the house is more important that those outside. Tailored made for thinking and creativity. A cave to hide in perhaps.
Biologist says that the cells in the human body renew itself once every 7 years. I am 7 years or 1 cycle too late. I need renewal. But it is never too late to act.
I am moving tomorrow.
It's not the footage and the prestige of a hallowed address that give status and and value. It is actually the neighbourhood. The German has a saying, "Good neighbours double the value of a house." Sure enough, we were reluctant to move. But finally all good things must come to an end. My son is more independent.
Ready to roll

Biologist says that the cells in the human body renew itself once every 7 years. I am 7 years or 1 cycle too late. I need renewal. But it is never too late to act.
I am moving tomorrow.