'Liu Fun' @ Kar Pin Eating House - Ipoh

Besides all these stuffed items, the ever popular fish balls come in various sizes and with different ingedients added. Kar Pin is famous for their RM1.00 fish balls the size of a golf ball. When tofu is used, the stuffing has some pork paste mixed in to give it a rough texture. Bean curd skin is also another common medium for the paste but it is fried in oil. 'Liu Fun' is very similar with KL's YTF except that it is eaten with rice or Chee Cheong Fun.
Kar Pin has all the above 'liu' plus very good pork and pork's tendon balls. I rated it highly as it is fresh with hardly any flour added. When I sank my teeth in, I can feel solid minced meat all the way. The tendon balls were equally fresh and crunchy. Quality tendons were used as every part can be chewed on unlike some, where the tendons are difficult to break down.
Raw fish and pork paste are available for sale at RM14 per kg. I may just pack it back for own consumption.
Most of the items is at RM0.60 per piece. MSG present.
Directions: Exit Simpang Pulai toll. Drive towards Ipoh city. Drive along Jalan Gopeng. Branch left to Jalan Kampar. At Oblong 'roundabout' take 12 o'oclock. Temple on left. About 200m arrive at traffic lights cross junction. Perpendicular road is Jalan Pasir Putih. Drive straight. You are now at Jalan Leong Boon Swee. At the traffic lights cross junction turn right and keep left (Kar Pin is on your right) as you will have to turn right almost immediatley. Look for parking.
2 lots shop. Airy and renovated.