Bakso Komplit Nyamleng - Semarang Domestic Airport Departure
If you are at Semarang domestic airport departure lounge do try out this Indonesian cafe. Appetizing presentation and good food. The bakso came in the forms of balls, with tofu and wanton skin. The taste was much better than a lot of shops that I have eaten in.
In beef balls and paste, I would watch out for texture. It should be rough and somewhat lumpy. This gave body to the paste and somehow I would feel satisfied.
The noodles came twirled in balls like a embroidery thread balls. So it came bite size and easy to handle for those not so accomplished in the use of chopsticks. The soup was good and completed the meal.
To complete the meal have a book in hand and a cup of local Tubruk coffee. It will take foreigners to get use to it as the cuppa includes coffee debris.