Aik Cheong Kopi-O (Comparison with Love Earth Black Coffee and Chek Hup Mandheling)

Once in while I will do a varieties comparison shout-out (not shoot-out). It is a comparison of different products in the market where you get what you pay for. I am mindful that even among the same type of products, there will be the various differentiation for diverse markets. So it is not like comparing an apple with another apple and see who is the better or the best.

I have done the Love Earth Black Coffee and Chek Hup Mandheling. Price-wise expect to pay RM2 per 10gm sachet of Mandheling Arabica. This is more of a gourmet coffee. The other will be Robusta beans from the lowlands of East Coast. With added Korean bamboo salt will cost RM1.20 per 10gm sachet. Its packed as a lifestyle healthy product. While the Aik Cheong each costs RM0.30 per 10gm scahet.

I find the Aik Cheong Coffee-O on the lighter side for taste. It should be Robusta Beans. You won't get the strong coffee taste. But take a look at the price. It's 1/4 of Love Earth and 1/7 of Chek Hup. If I am gunning for price it has to be Aik Cheong. Otherwise, pick the better Robusta in taste (Love Earth) or go for premium highlands Arabica beans (Chek Hup) where you get good aroma plus taste.


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