Being deprived of food from the overwhelmingly Chinesey Old Klang Road has being a lost to me. But then moving from the south to the north of the city has its bright side. I am quite near to Kepong. Just 10+ minutes away at night.
I found out that along the Kepong main road in yet another densely populated Chinese area there are tonnes of food available. I missed Choy Choy BKT in Old Kland Road. Only till it met its match in Ka Ka. In fact more than its match as there are more than 10 different types here and it stays open till the wee hours of the morning.
The food is of reasonable portion and each individual claypot cost just about RM9 to 10. It comes with lots of sauce or soup. We arrived at 10:30 pm and left at 11:15 pm. Supper groups came and went. I counted 10+ tables occupied on arrival and remained so as I left.
Al fresco dinning was enjoyable in the cool of the night.
Get the sauce plates ready and load it up with chilies and garlic and drizzled it with either light or dark soy sauces.
Pork knuckle/tendons with mix meat and innards. I can't believe the price at RM10, as the portion was big and had lots of meat. The soup was earthy and on the dull side. But then traditional is usually dull but yet has its fan base.
I like full-bodied soy sauce braised pig whatever. The trotter with its sinewy tendons, gelatinous thick hide and little lean meat found their release in the heat of the claypot. Top class pot but a tad salty but then this usually need plain rice for a good pairing.
The kidney with wine was a bit of a letdown even though high quality peppery and pungent ginger was used to spicy it up. The wine was barely noticeable and the soup was lighter than I like. And then the kidney was overdone.
A really satisfying meal. For other POV and Map check out KY Speaks and VKeong.
the ah wang under the bridge's fish head is good.
kepong? dunno lah .... never bothered venturing that far.
this week i seem to be reading post aft post on BKT..*wipes saliva*...