worldwindows was 4:) sometime ago.
The way to a man's heart is through the stomach! What better way for the better half to serve his favourite fruit on this once a year occasion.
The day before my
BD was a takeaway pack of belly pork from
BellyGood, one of my favourites. So I am happy and ready for yet another year thanks to my wife.
Musang Hitam durians. I thought I read wrongly. This is the first I sampled the '
hitam' variety. The Chinese has a way with words to describe what goes into the stomach. 3
Styrofoam packs of luscious,
pillowy, gummy,
bittery, sweetish and feel good in the mouth/nasal chambers king of fruits. The price after 50% off was RM24.45 per pack. With 7-8 seeds a pack it works out to RM3.25 each.

Two of the packs were sweet and fragrant! The skin of the flesh was taut and smooth. Maybe an indication of their personality. All from
Jusco, 1
durians are neat, jiffy and clean just like airplane food. You either like it or hate it. Or maybe feels ambivalent about it according to one's mood and the menu and its presentation.
I prefer sticking with the tried and trusted then going through the vagaries and the uncertainties of searching, smelling and shaking my way through for a good
durian. I took too many losses and disappointments.
Jusco and also Giant will do for my
durian fix for a while to come.

One pack had wrinkly skin and this one (below) had tinge of bitter. My favourite. This post ended my season of durian-eating until the next, a promise I made but may not intend to keep:)
I just realized that many of M'sian floggers are having b'day in July, in fact, a flogger in Jakarta is also having her b'day in July *wink*
Musang hitam? That's a name for durian? So cute, hehehe..
TT... The season is still there...
Selba... TQ. Congrats to you! July is a good month!!
SG... TQ.
STL... TQ.
RC... Thanks for visiting.
CampC... TQ.
FB... TQ.
BB... TQ.