Bubba Gump Shrimp Co @ The Curve

The waiting time for a table during weekends' evening is 20-30 minutes. Plan your meal-time then it is a pleasant experience. Leave your name and phone no. to their helpful and friendly staff and they will call you when your table is up.
Obviously this restaurant is about shrimps. There is also the usual western menu. However, it is wise to go for shrimps. Our visit last week was repaid in gastronomic dividends big time.
Delicious, fresh and big prawns, big portions and cheap. Three of us spent about RM135 and we were belly up literally towards the end. No desserts!! And just after leaving we were planning for our next visit!
Camera: Nokia E90. Lighting was a bit dim. Photos was a compromised as I did not want to use the flash for close-up.
Quenchers and Smoothies out of this world - thick and oozing with quality RM9.90 - 10.90. Sky juice was freely dispensed when the 'real thing' run out.

what we know Malaysians are horrified of prawns in general esp the old folks for a funny reason
L I ... while waiting my son was enjoying the movie at the souvenir sales counter.
BSG ... The older is afraid of allergy and the middle age of cholesterol and the younger casts caution to the wind.