Food and Tea Restaurant - Jusco Kepong

I was catching up with an old colleague and food choice was random. As long as we can hold a decent conversation. All the seats are heavily padded and there are many cubicles. Some decent privacy is afforded to guests. It was neat but I can't say that for the staff. Service was poor and most practiced a form of tunnel vision ignoring customers legitimate signals. Service staff must have peripheral vision.
The food taste was above average and the menu boasts of something different from the usual Hong Kong Char Chan Teng besides plenty of pork dishes. We enjoyed our lunch and the talk and later adjourned to Starbucks for a drink to continue.
Starbucks in Kepong! Politicians and government agencies used the Starbucks as a rule of thumb to measured the economic well-being of each city in North America. The more doesn't only mean the merrier but also richer! More bang for the bucks!
I like the rice which was cooked with less than the usual. It came out firmer (hard) and full-bodied. It was grainy goodness. Hope this is standard practice.
I was told this Claypot chicken was good stuff.

Normally i avoid such "kim gary" like places but it seems worth a visit?
FB... Yes about the 'tai chow' standard.
Ling239... The drinks looks too modern for me!
LfB... Its a bit chaotic and hypermarts are changing the landscape.
TT... Yes I read some not too nice comments too.
TNG... At a whim and a fancy I think and sometimes eating is like this!
CampC... My mom says it's good for the knees and joints!