Tian Tian Seafood - Selera Food Court PJS 9/5, Sunway
Is there a commercial backwater in Sunway? That is in comparison to the vibrant and posh Pyramid and Sunway Resort and Spa? This hidden area is known to many locals and those working in Sunway. It is Jalan PJS 9/5. A flogger called this location "Sunway Belakang"!! This very old area have two good 'Tai Chows".
This 'Pork Ribs Curry' was outstanding as I personally believed that 'Pork Curry' must be done Indian style for a maximum match between the spices and the meat. One drawback - the piece of rib I had was a bit tough. Time for owner to check on what's was being delivered by the suppliers!
Run of the mill 'Hot Plate Tofu with Minced Meat'.
Eggs Omelette. A comfort dish for children and adults.
Customary vegetables to round off the meal!
Its Tian Tian Lai (Come Everyday in Mandarin) but it closes on Wednesday! I have dropped in twice on Wednesday, the 2nd inadvertently and maybe absent-mindedly. No fear as we had Plan B in the equally popular "Restoran Popular City" which is along the same road in the shophouses.
Total Bill: RM104 for 6 adults and 2 kids. They have an air-con room (3 tables) but I think they charge RM1 per head for it as this room was specially converted from 2 existing stalls. Otherwise eat without air-con.
Address: Selera Sunway Food Court,
This Steam Kerapu is average though fresh as the stomach area is a bit 'fishy'. I understand they have an outstanding 'Steam Water Egg' top up with 'Kerapu Fish Fillet'.

Jalan PJS 9/5,
Bandar Sunway
Bandar Sunway
BBO... Since LDP opened it becomes 'belakang' :-) kind off shielded.
TLow... I think a favourite with locals.
Faith... Pork curry wrapped in plastic and then aluminium sheet like ala beggar chicken style.
TNG... Yes, a food court and have other stalls (less than 10) selling hawker food.