Hawkers' Food at Night - Baguio (Philippines Part 3 of 3)

I have put people in stitches regaling my misadventures of answering the urgent call of nature of the big kind in different settings and countries. Mind you once I did it in a road island in middle of a Parisian street. It was in the open but in a paying booth with a no-flush auto self-cleaning system. It's like the age-old saying "the world is my toilet." I noticed that this subject is on a very quiet side in all the blogs I read. If I received enough objections to my rather mild ungraphic suggestions, I will -->
But the dining party went for the food with gusto while I took time to shoot photos and talking to the Ilocano operating the grill. He told me he earns RM250 a month working 7 days a week but with food and cramped lodging thrown in. No none of them got into trouble as far as I knew. The food was good but there were no customary 'balut' as more and more people have already eaten the half formed chicken embryo. But they have deep-fried one-day chicks. Impressive all right for exotic food.
Order what you want from the glass case or the grill. It will be reheated on the grill. Only the squid was done fresh.

LfB... Thanks my friend.
teckiee... I think its a hole where the cook empty the innards. May have some stuffing. Got to check. I chicken out on this chicken due to travel demands.
BB... Yes it is!
Selba... The idea was to eat everything, then that's alot to eat right!
i feel for her. :)