California Pizza Kitchen - Suria KLCC

Getting to Suria KLCC and finding parking seems to be very easy with the current downturn. We were going to the British Council's Education Fair since we have pretty much settled for a British education. The downturn didn't prevent us from looking into the education for my fifteen year old. There were some upside to the current banking mess. We needed to start early to beat the waiting list for a good school as well as gather enough info to plan ahead as well as compete for a scholarship. My wife did a recce yesterday and got us to go today.
Due to the southward trend of the British Pound it has lost 25% of its value since its height of about RM7 to a pound. There is demand once again for a good decent IGCSE and A-levels education. Besides good exchange rates, there is also some sweetener thrown in. Scholarships of up to 45% for those who do well in their IGCSE or Malaysian SPM are available. For those who do not qualify they get at least 700Pound discount (14%) per term from the Friendship Fund.
Its fun to see my son getting into the thick of action speaking with the foreign reps with his British accent acquired from his stint with an International School while we were in Bangkok. Yes he is taking responsibility for his own destiny. By getting him motivated and involved half the battle has already been won. And hopefully that will be translated into a 45% scholarship.
I was wearied from the punishing schedule set by my wife who has the benefit of her 1/2 day recce yesterday. I was also worn down from carrying the catalogues and also the very cold Convention Centre. We trudged our way back to Suria to look for dinner. Still having energy my son took charge and decided on his favourite pizza here. My meal flew by. I was so reluctant to operate my E90 as I was not in the right frame of mind to frame my shots. But I did try my best:)
My day was not over after dinner as my son wanted to get some books from Kinokuniya. Getting out of the car park the Touch N Go did not work on both the exit lane and I have to back out my car to the consternation of those behind me. Then I came home in the rain, tired and grumpy as I missed 2 interchanges, caught in a jam due to stalled cars stuck in a flash flood.
So if I don't blog this meal immediately I will lose it. Here it goes....
Due to the southward trend of the British Pound it has lost 25% of its value since its height of about RM7 to a pound. There is demand once again for a good decent IGCSE and A-levels education. Besides good exchange rates, there is also some sweetener thrown in. Scholarships of up to 45% for those who do well in their IGCSE or Malaysian SPM are available. For those who do not qualify they get at least 700Pound discount (14%) per term from the Friendship Fund.
Its fun to see my son getting into the thick of action speaking with the foreign reps with his British accent acquired from his stint with an International School while we were in Bangkok. Yes he is taking responsibility for his own destiny. By getting him motivated and involved half the battle has already been won. And hopefully that will be translated into a 45% scholarship.
I was wearied from the punishing schedule set by my wife who has the benefit of her 1/2 day recce yesterday. I was also worn down from carrying the catalogues and also the very cold Convention Centre. We trudged our way back to Suria to look for dinner. Still having energy my son took charge and decided on his favourite pizza here. My meal flew by. I was so reluctant to operate my E90 as I was not in the right frame of mind to frame my shots. But I did try my best:)
My day was not over after dinner as my son wanted to get some books from Kinokuniya. Getting out of the car park the Touch N Go did not work on both the exit lane and I have to back out my car to the consternation of those behind me. Then I came home in the rain, tired and grumpy as I missed 2 interchanges, caught in a jam due to stalled cars stuck in a flash flood.
So if I don't blog this meal immediately I will lose it. Here it goes....

I'm taking advantage of the reduced value of the pound too, but with a UK vacation in May. Mari sama-sama cuti England? LOL
Love california pizza!
SG... I have enjoyed it somewhat but a bit on the high side so we shared the desserts!
NKotB... I stole your thunder!
Selba... Celup only lah! But young people are quick learners.
but CPK? the food is urgh, for me..
Whenever I try to speak properly to a British, they end of telling me my accent is "American" o_0
E N G L A N D ! omg !
Happy eating then ! No We mean Roast Lamb and the Rose
Joe... Still prefers a British education. Emmm.... that must be a nasty experience food-wise.
BB... If they pick up it will be good for us. The service was good except that the foreigner need more training with the menu info. I like the rough edges of British English. American is smoother and rounded.
BSG... My son love those Rose or Roast? Many came home with fond memories.
BBO... Just felt that they should be more generous with the toppings. Taste-wise was good to me.
FB... Looks more like those from the Ristorante Italiana.
FfT... Yes and those who wanted great service can also pay I think RM2 for use of the special restrooms. The best shopping location.
CampC... I hope they will open in PJ.
Ling239... Yes I wish there were more:)
LoC... Thanks for dropping by and I have checked your site too.